Sleeping Pods on a Cliff

The intention of the design is to create a small architecture using a series of simple construction moves, with the aim of putting together a system, easy to assemble, and self-sufficient. The proposed architecture takes into account its constructability, its maintenance over the years, and its sustainability.

The design of the Sleeping Pods aims to achieve net zero operational carbon, net zero embodied carbon, sustainable water cycle, sustainable land use and biodiversity, good health and wellbeing and sustainable life cycle cost. The pod is looking to maximize the on-site renewable energy, as well as it is designed to minimize the footprint of the construction and its foundations. The proposal is providing a good balance between daylight and overheating, taking into consideration the final orientation of the building at the time of construction, percentage of openings, openable windows and cross ventilation and shading systems
Water harvesting, photovoltaic and solar water heating systems will contribute to the overall performance of the building, creating a self-sufficient architecture able to coexist within the distinctive landscape around. The sleeping pod is designed to have a clear assembly procedure, identifiable and easily understandable. The pod is supported by a simple and easy to assemble wooden vertical structure. The secondary structure, as well as the rest of the other systems such as roof, bathroom, glazing, sleeping alcove, will be fixed into it.

The proposed materiality of the building takes in consideration the sustainability and future maintenance and operating costs of the building. locally sourced wood and building materials will contribute in creating a smart, sustainable, identifiable architecture.